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Digital Therapeutics in Rural Maternal Child Health: How to Go from Episodic to Lived Environment Care

  • Tue, August 18, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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Digital Therapeutics in Rural Maternal Child Health: How to Go from Episodic to Lived Environment Care

August 18, 2020 

12:00 - 1:00 PM CST  


This educational talk uses real-life use cases and outcomes in rural America on applying a behavioral science and remote system of care for pre-natal and post-partum Medicaid moms and families. The data discussed includes items such as pre-term births, anxiety and depressive disorders, costs of care including ED and inpatient/readmissions, patient activation and satisfaction measures, personal/social challenges, clinical fatigue/joy in practice, and key topics such as adherence to vaccines, wellness appts, safe sleep, crying baby, and others.


The mission of this talk is to change the way you personally and professionally believe your organization should approach Population Health Management and Care Coordination in vulnerable communities. ​How to go from episodic to relationship care.

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