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On Demand Webinar: Reviewing the Recent RHC Reimbursement Changes from CMS

  • Wed, January 27, 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • Sun, December 31, 2023


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Webinar: Reviewing the Recent RHC Reimbursement Changes from CMS

This webinar will feature Brock Slabach, senior vice president for members services of the National Rural Health Association, who will detail the recent changes to rural health clinic reimbursement as part of the COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress in late December.  This bill included major changes regarding CMS reimbursement amounts for both independent and provider-based rural health clinics, and it is important that RHC administrators and pertinent staff attend to fully understand how these changes will affect them and their practice.  This webinar will also discuss the steps being taken to correct the negative elements of this bill in order to benefit all RHC types.

No cost for members - $35 for non-members

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