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On-Demand: COVID-Related Funding: Compliance and Reporting Considerations for Rural Healthcare Facilities

  • Wed, July 06, 2022
  • 12:00 PM
  • Thu, July 06, 2023
  • 1:00 PM


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COVID-Related Funding: Compliance and Reporting Considerations for Rural Healthcare Facilities

July 6, 2022 | 12 - 1 p.m. central time

On-Demand Webinar

The webinar will cover the various types of COVID-related relief funding distributed to rural healthcare facilities including reporting requirements, compliance requirements, audit requirements, associated timetables, and deadlines.


  • Identify the different types of federal COVID relief funding distributed to rural healthcare facilities, including those that are subject to the Single Audit requirements of 2 CFR 200 Subpart F. Primary funding programs covered will include the Provider Relief Fund (CFDA #93.498), COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement to Health Care Providers and Facilities for Testing, Treatment, and Vaccine Administration for the Uninsured (CFDA #93.461), and the RHC Testing & RHC Testing & Mitigation program(CFDA #93.697).
  • Outline the reporting requirements, timetables, and deadlines for each type of coronavirus-related relief funding.
  • Distinguish allowable uses of each type of federal funding (unreimbursed expenses and/or lost revenues) and effective strategies for the application of funding, including discussion of the interworking’s of the different federal funding programs
  • Define OMB requirements for Single Audit of compliance with federal funding program requirements and Single Audit submission deadlines.

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